Decision details

Air Quality Strategy and Planning Protocol

Decision Maker: Overview Board

Decision status: Deleted

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Board considered the report relating to the Air Quality Strategy and Planning Protocol for Herefordshire and Worcestershire which was due to be considered by the Cabinet.


The Head of Planning and Environment Services, Mr. D. Hammond, and the Team Leader – Pollution and General, Mr. R. Goundry, were present and answered queries the Board had on this issue.


There was concern from Members that the Air Quality Strategy and Protocol would not be meaningful locally.  There was also some frustration over the commitment shown to managing air quality issues from other agencies, including Worcestershire County Council. 


It was explained that the Strategy would help to ensure a unified and consistent approach was taken to managing local air quality across Herefordshire and Worcestershire.  The Strategy identified commitments, particularly for communication and co-operation within and between local authorities, external organisations and the community.  It was pointed out that the key advantages of developing and implementing such a Strategy were listed under paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3 of the document and officers believed it was a good comprehensive starting point.  It was also stated that the actions required for specific areas i.e. Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) were detailed in separate Action Plans.


The Board was informed that the Strategy would be reviewed on a regular basis once it had been approved and adopted.  It was anticipated that all local authorities would adopt the Strategy within the next month or two.  When the Strategy came under review in the future, Members were assured that standards and targets would be updated as appropriate.


It was clarified that the recommendations from the Air Quality Task Group were being dealt with separately.  It was explained that the Task Group recommendations had been considered and the majority approved by the Cabinet early 2008.  The relevant Portfolio Holder had presented the Cabinet’s response to the former Scrutiny Steering Board and those approved recommendations had been included in the Recommendation Tracker Report to enable the former Scrutiny Steering Board Members to monitor progress.  Since the change to the Overview and Scrutiny Structure, it was clarified that the Overview Board was now responsible for monitoring the recommendations that had came out of the air quality investigation undertaken by the Task Group.  Therefore, those particular recommendations would be included in the Tracker Report due to be considered at the next Overview Board meeting in February.  It was confirmed that a Review of the Air Quality Task Group investigation was also due to take place shortly.


RESOLVED that the report be noted.


RECOMMENDED that the Cabinet be requested to approve and adopt the Air Quality Strategy and Planning Protocol for Herefordshire and Worcestershire.

Report author: Robin Goundry

Publication date: 08/01/2009

Date of decision: 06/01/2009

Decided at meeting: 06/01/2009 - Overview Board

Accompanying Documents: