Decision details

Verbal Update on Biodiversity Issues

Decision Maker: Overview Board

Decision status: Deleted

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Ms. S. Lai, Planning Officer, was introduced to the Board and welcomed to the meeting.


Following the Board’s request at the last ordinary meeting on 3rd March 2009 for more information, Mr. P. Street, Executive Director – Partnerships and Projects, tabled the Biodiversity Action Plan Actions together with an example of biodiversity training.


Officers referred to section 1(b) on page 3 of the Biodiversity Action Plan Actions which listed actions which could be taken by Bromsgrove District Council.  Members were informed that a pro-forma would need to be completed to demonstrate that actions had been pursued. 


It was noted that target dates varied as the Pledge included actions covering a 10 year period.  It was explained that officers would need to identify the order in which actions were to be implemented and it was intended that initially, the focus would be on those actions with a deadline of 2010.


Members of the Board believed it was essential that the Council raised awareness of the West Midlands Biodiversity Pledge and Action Plan and officers agreed that necessary publicity would be issued to make certain members of the public were kept informed.  It was anticipated that the work undertaken would be monitored by the Climate Change Working Group.


It was confirmed that where appropriate, other agencies would be involved (such as the Environment Agency, Worcestershire Wildlife Trust and Parish Councils).  It was noted that such partnership work would also include voluntary sector organisations.  However, Mr. Street made it clear that it was Bromsgrove District Council which was the lead authority and therefore was ultimately responsible for ensuring the actions were pursued.


RESOLVED that the update provided be noted.

Report author: Phil Street

Publication date: 07/04/2009

Date of decision: 31/03/2009

Decided at meeting: 31/03/2009 - Overview Board

Accompanying Documents: