Decision details

Air Quality

Decision Maker: Overview Board

Decision status: Deleted

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Recommendation 1 from the Air Quality Task Group


At the last meeting, the Chairman had requested a progress update be provided in relation to the first recommendation contained within the Air Quality Scrutiny Report (approved by the Cabinet) which asked the Council to consider applying to Worcestershire County Council for certain roads to be made low emission zone (LEZ) roads therefore limiting access to certain types of vehicles which reduce air quality. 


The Executive Director – Partnerships and Projects, Mr. Street, had contacted Mr. D. Balme from Worcestershire County Council’s Highways who was the officer who had attended Air Quality Task Group meetings.  Mr. Balme had responded that he had researched the LEZ in London and believed a meeting was required with representatives from the two Councils and West Mercia Police to explore the issues of implementing an LEZ in Bromsgrove District.  However, it was noted by the Board that no timeframe had been provided.


Members were reminded that Mr. Street had informed Members at the last Board meeting that he had proposed a high level technical meeting between key interested parties.  It was confirmed that such a meeting had since been arranged to explore air quality issues further and specifically the Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) at junction 1 of the M42.


Homeworking and Carbon Emissions


As requested by the Board, the Executive Director – Services, Mr. T. Beirne, provided information relating to the impact homeworking had on the Council’s Carbon Footprint. 


It was explained that on 3rd February 2009, due to severe weather conditions, 25 members of staff had worked from home.  It was estimated that the average round trip was 20 miles which equated to 500 miles (25 staff x 20 miles) or 800 kilometres.  It was stated that the measure of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) for cars was 180 grammes of CO2 per kilometre travelled, therefore on the day in question, a total of 144,000 grammes (800km x 180g) or 144 kilograms of CO2 were not produced due to homeworking.  Comparisons were made to a return trip from London to Paris by plane which emitted 244kg of CO2 per passenger.  However, it was pointed out that officers had not been able to do an offset calculation for office heating and lighting against home use of heating and lighting.


In conclusion, the Board was informed that the very basic calculation showed that with an agreed corporate homeworking policy, there could be real opportunity to significantly reduce the Council’s carbon emissions.  The work of the Asset Management Working Group was also mentioned together with the results of the recent travel plan survey.  Members were also reminded of the complexities surrounding homeworking including health and safety home checks and financial allowances.



(a)    that the verbal updates provided be noted; and

(b)    that Mr. D. Balme from Worcestershire County Council’s Highways be invited to attend the next ordinary meeting of the Board due to be held on 31st March 2009.

Report author: Phil Street

Publication date: 09/03/2009

Date of decision: 03/03/2009

Decided at meeting: 03/03/2009 - Overview Board