Decision details

Shared Services Board

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Deleted

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


(a)       Electoral Services Business Case (pages 209 – 252)

            Consideration was given to a report seeking Members agreement to setting up a shared Electoral Service between Bromsgrove District        Council and Redditch Borough Council.  The report provided an             overview of the business case recommended by the Shared Services             Board.  Further discussion took place on how the shared service would be monitored.  The Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services            informed Members that a review and evaluation of the shared service was built into the Business Case along with agreed Key Performance     Indicators.  The Executive Director – Services undertook to provide             the       Council with the costs of providing the Electoral Service without the             proposed merger. 


            RESOLVED: that Cabinet approve the business case as set out in the           appendix to the report.



            (a)       that the Council approve the setting up of a shared Electoral                              Service with Redditch Borough Council, led by Bromsgrove                            District Council, under the following conditions:

                        1.         That the shared service be delivered in a phased                                                approach (as detailed in the business case)

                                                     1. Implementation

                                                     2. Migration

                                                     3. Review and evaluation

                        2.         The shared Electoral Service be delivered within the                                           budgets identified in the medium tem financial plan.

                        3.         Redditch Borough Council retain a client function to                                            support the Electoral Returning Officer and Electoral                                             Registration Officer at Redditch Borough Council.

                        4.         Strand be engaged to deliver the IT system.

                        5.         The timetable for implementation be agreed and formal

                                    Consultations begin.

6.                  An SLA be set up to confirm the arrangements.



(b)       Community Safety Business Case (supplementary documentation       pages 7 – 42)

            Consideration was given to a report seeking Members agreement to setting up a shared Community Safety Service between Bromsgrove         District Council and Redditch Borough Council.  The Deputy Head of         Street Scene and Community responded to Members questions on the           shared service.  He emphasised that local delivery would be    maintained through the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership             (CDRP), Tasking process and Neighbourhood Wardens.  The Deputy             Head of Street Scene and      Community undertook to provide the          Council with the costs to deliver the Community Safety Service without          the proposed merger.  The Chairman thanked all officers involved in    the Shared Services process, including officers at Redditch Borough          Council.  


            RESOLVED: that Cabinet approve the business case as set out in     the       appendix to the report.



            (a)       that the Council approve the setting up of a shared Community                         Safety Service with Redditch Borough Council, led by Redditch              Borough Council, to achieve the     following:


1.                  A shared service which will lead to an improved quality to the residents of both Councils.

2.                  Improved levels of satisfaction and efficiency.

3.                  Improved resilience within the two districts against the new funding regimes.

4.                  Improved quality of management and strategic influence for both Redditch and Bromsgrove Councils.

5.                  Development of the sharing of commissioning data and expertise.

6.                  Retention of local delivery focus, whilst providing a more robust local tasking process.

7.         The creation of the building blocks for any future merge of          Community Safety Partnerships and a wider     management team.

Publication date: 09/01/2009

Date of decision: 07/01/2009

Decided at meeting: 07/01/2009 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: