Decision details


Decision Maker: Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board

Decision status: Deleted

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The minutes of the joint meeting of the Overview Board and Scrutiny Board held on 2nd December 2008 were submitted.


With regard to the new bid for Consultants relating examination in public (EIP) for 2009/10 (discussed at the previous meeting), the Chairman asked for the reasons why the Council were considering using consultants with a high daily fee of approximately £1000.  The Head of Financial Services explained that the Council had no choice as the relevant regulations stipulated “the standard daily amount prescribed under section 303A(5) of the Town and County Planning Act 1990 is…in relation to examinations opening on or after 31st March 2008, £993”.  It was reported that guidance received stated such examinations would take between 80 and 120 days and therefore officers had estimated it would take 100 days.  (Copies of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 extracts were made available if required.)


RESOLVED that the minutes be approved as a correct record.

Report author: Della McCarthy

Publication date: 22/01/2009

Date of decision: 06/01/2009

Decided at meeting: 06/01/2009 - Joint Overview and Scrutiny Board

Accompanying Documents: