Issue - items at meetings - Longbridge Statement of Principles Affordable Housing Provision Report

Issue - meetings

Longbridge Statement of Principles Affordable Housing Provision Report

Meeting: 18/06/2012 - Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 7)

Longbridge Statement of Principles Affordable Housing Provision - Presentation


The Board received a presentation from the Head of Community Services in respect of the Statement of Principles provision of affordable housing at Longbridge.  The Board was provided with background information as to the reasons behind the Statement of Principles and it was stressed that this would not apply to any other development within the district. The presentation covered the following points in detail:


  • Where possible the Longbridge site would be treated as a whole, this was in order for the residents of Bromsgrove district to benefit as much as possible from the site.
  • The Statement of Principles had been drawn up in order to provide both Planning and Strategic Housing Officers with a set of agreed guidelines to assist them in negotiating affordable housing provision at Longbridge.
  • Members were provided with full details of what was included within the guidelines.
  • The proportion of new residential development to be affordable housing, the preferred type, size and tenure of affordable housing to be sought together with the targeted standard of construction and the distribution within the development, all of which would be subject to negotiation.
  • How nomination rights should be allocated between the authorities – which would allow the flexibility to be able to access the broad range of affordable housing delivered.
  • It was stressed that the percentage of affordable housing would vary from site to site and would be dictated through planning applications not through the Statement of Principles.


The Portfolio Holder for Strategic Housing, Business Transformation, Town Centre Regeneration and Special Projects reiterated that the key issue was the 50% nomination rights and the Statement of Principles was a high level agreement to enable the Council to work with Birmingham City Council.


The Chairman invited Councillor R. Hollingworth to add any further comments and the Board was provided with further background information in respect of the working group which had originally been set up and had agreed to the inclusion of the Statement of Principles.


Officers responded to questions from the Board and discussed the following in more details:


  • How the nomination rights would be monitored in order to ensure that Bromsgrove district received the agreed 50% - Officers would track every property that became available in order to ensure that this happened.
  • As part of the principles of the Area Action Plan (AAP) there was a reduction in affordable housing to 35%, this has not been maintained in respect of the “East Works” area of the Longbridge site.  Members were informed that the 35% referred to was across the entire site.
  • An independent assessor had provided information on the viability of the site.  Reference to this and possible adjustment to the percentage was made within the Statement of Principles.


RESOLVED that the presentation be noted.